Saturday, October 26, 2013

2013 10 26 ... why exactly are we here?

One of my favorite movie scenes of all time has to be from the movie Men In Black.  It occurs when James Edwards a police man with the N.Y.P.D., played by Will Smith, shows up for a test at the office of the MIB.  Because his early meeting with one the MIB agents known as K and played by Tommy Lee Jones, was erased from his memory, he cannot remember why he has been invited to a meeting, but he has shown up anyway.

He enter a strange entry way where there sits a security officer reading the paper. When Edwards begins to ask him where he should go the security officer quickly tells him to go to the elevator at the end of the room.  Edwards enters the elevator and turns to face the elevator doors as it begins to drop below ground. As the elevator slows to a stop the doors behind Edwards open and we see a room where five young men in various uniforms sit in chairs as an older man in a suit stands in front of them in the process of briefing them.

All the individuals turn to look at Edwards as the doors of the elevator open.
ZED:  You're late. Sit down.
Edwards quickly takes a seat in the empty chair closest to the elevator.

ZED:  My name is Zed.  You're all here because you're the best of the best. Marines, Air Force, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, N.Y.P.D.  And we're looking for one of you.  Just one.   What will follow is a series of simple tests...   for motor skills, concentration, stamina.
As Zed is still speaking, Edwards raises his hand.

ZED:  I see we have a question.

EDWARDS:  I'm sorry, maybe you already answered this but...   why exactly are we here?
One of the young officers quickly raises his hand to show he would be happy to answer Edwards question.  Zed notices his hand and calls on him.

ZED:  Son.
The young officer quickly stands to attention and excitedly answers Edwards question.
LIEUTENANT JENSEN:   Second Lieutenant Jake Jensen. West Point. Graduate with honors.
We're here because you want the best of the best of the best, Sir!

As Zed nods in approval to the young officer's answer, the young officer gives a quick derogatory look to Edwards as he sits back down.

In response, Edwards begins laughing.

ZED:  What's so funny, Edwards?
EDWARDS:  Your boy, Captain America, here.
''The best of the best of the best, sir!''
''With honors."

He's just really excited,  and he has no clue why we're here.
That's very funny to me.   But y'all ain't laughing, though.

Rather than give a response to Edwards comment, Zed simply gives him a strange glance and then says, "Let's get started".

I love this scene for two reasons.  The first is simply that it is a very funny exchange between the characters.  The main reason however, is because I believe this scene mimics our life to a great degree.

Our society takes a great deal of pride in competing and especially in winning. It doesn't seem to matter why we are competing - just that we are competing.  Our quest is to be the "best of the best of the best,  Sir."  That's all that matters.  

The person who happens to ask the question, "Why exactly are we here?" is looked upon as the idiot or the odd ball.

The truth is that is exactly the question we should be asking.  Why exactly are we here?  Unless we know that answer nothing else really matters.  In the movie Men In Black, the irony is that Will Smith's character is the only one asking the right questions. He can care less about the various contests, and medals and awards, as well as who the "Best of the best of the best" is - something in life has helped him move beyond the contests most young men are caught up in - he is looking for truth.

The majority of smart phones today come equipped with GPS capabilities that can tell the owner exactly WHERE they are in the world.  Yet with all our advances in technology there is still no device or app that can tell us WHY we are in the world.

What I find extremely interesting is that we are the only species on the planet that is actually able to ask "Why are we here"?   No other species questions or ponders there existence.  No other species commits suicide - which would lead us to believe they don't sit around and ponder if life has a meaning for them. 

It leads me to wonder, shouldn't we ask "Why are we here?" if for no other reason than we can?

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